Alum is an evangelist for the wonders of national parks—‘after dark’

"Half the park is after dark.” Astronomer and artist Tyler Nordgren, PhD ’97, coined that neatly rhyming catchphrase to promote his passion project: raising awareness about the nighttime allure of America’s national parks. The story of his work is told in this Cornellians article.

Nordgren aims to spread the word about the wonders that emerge after the sun goes down at national parks, which are already packed during the day.

“It’s not just stargazing,” says Nordgren. “It’s nocturnal species. It’s the landscape. It’s the beauty of the moon, going on moonlight hikes. It’s Native American culture—all the amazing stories about what you see in the sky.”

Read the entire story.

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man watching stars
Provided Nordgren watches the Milky Way rise at Big Bend National Park,