CCSS announces 2022 spring grants for faculty

The Cornell Center for Social Sciences has announced its 2022 spring grants for faculty. The list of awardees includes faculty from the College of Arts and Sciences.

Douglas Kriner, Government 

Presidential Politics in an Era of Democratic Disruption Conference

This conference examines how presidential politics have helped precipitate and in turn been shaped by troubling trends in democratic governance in the United States and around the world. Papers will be published in a special issue of Presidential Studies Quarterly.

David Mimno, Information ScienceWill Hobbs, Psychology 

Text as Data Conference

The 12th annual New Directions in Analyzing Text as Data (TADA) meeting will take place at Cornell Tech. TADA is the premiere venue for computational social science work involving documents, social media, and other text.

Shaun Nichols, PhilosophyJohn Thrasher, Chapman University

The Nature and Emergence of Property Norms 

Where do ideas of private property come from? This project will examine how territorial instincts might generate property norms through biases in cultural learning. The project will also investigate how people think about property norms, e.g., whether they are fundamentally moral or conventional.



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