Chemistry professor honored with prestigious ACS award

Yimon Aye, a Howard Milstein faculty fellow and assistant professor of chemistry and chemical biology, has been honored by the Eastern New York Section of the American Chemical Society as the 2017 Buck-Whitney Award winner. Aye has been invited to give a talk at the awards ceremony Nov. 15 in Troy, N.Y.

The Buck-Whitney Award recognizes original work in pure or applied chemistry and outstanding contributions to chemistry. Previous awardees include Jack H. Freed, Cornell’s Frank and Robert Laughlin Professor of Chemistry, and Ahmed Zewail, winner of the 1999 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Aye and her lab associates have been working on unsolved biological problems targeting electrophile signaling and genome maintenance pathways, both at the fundamental and translational levels. Aye has received numerous honors for her contributions toward cancer research, including the Pershing Square Sohn Prize for Young investigators in Cancer Research in 2017, the Beckman Young Investigator Award, a National Science Foundation early career award in 2014, a National Institutes of Health Director’s New Innovator Award in 2014, a Sloan Foundation fellowship in 2016 and an Office of Naval Research Young Investigator award in 2017.

Aye received a B.S. degree in 2003 and a master’s degree in 2004 in chemistry from the University of Oxford and a Ph.D. in organic chemistry from Harvard University in 2009. 

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 Yimon Aye