Intrigued by chemistry

Ashley Vincent
Ashley Vincent
Ashley Vincent '17 admits that she used to earn average grades in chemistry in high school. “The reason why I chose chemistry as a major is slightly unconventional," she said in this Cornell Research story. "Most students major in their strongest subject areas, but chemistry wasn’t really one of my best subjects in high school. I applied to colleges as a prospective chemistry major because of my interest in the field, despite knowing that I’d probably have to make a greater effort than others to develop my skills.”

During her freshman year at Cornell, Vincent joined Alpha Chi Sigma, a century-old chemistry fraternity. “I love the interactions we have during our meetings. Our members are all majoring in fields related to chemistry, and the engagement that I’ve had during my time in the fraternity has been priceless.” These engagements include expositions at the Ithaca Sciencenter as well as access to professional networking sessions and research opportunities across the Cornell community.

Continue reading this story on the Cornell Research website.

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 Ashley Vincent