New Faculty: Mayer Juni

Mayer Juni

Bruce Slovin Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies, History

Academic focus:

Jews in the Americas, the Atlantic World, inquisition and conversos, race and slavery, history of knowledge

Current research project:

I am currently working on a book manuscript, “Biography and the Politics of Race in the Spanish Atlantic,” and on an article “Negros Blasphemos: Afrodescendants and the Mexican Inquisition Revisited.”

Previous positions: 

  • Postdoctoral Associate, Department of History, Cornell University, 2022
  • Visiting Researcher, Centro de Estudios Históricos, Colegio de México, 2021

Academic background: 

  • Ph.D., History, Brown University, 2022
  • A.M., History, Brown University, 2016
  • M.A., Jewish Studies, Yeshiva University, 2014
  • First Talmudic Degree, Yeshiva Shaar Hatorah, 2009

Last book read:

“The Sense of an Ending” by Julian Barnes

In your own time/when not working:

Hiking, soccer, and trying out new varieties of hot sauce

Courses you’re most looking forward to teaching:

The Jewish Atlantic: 1492-Present and Biography, History, and Modernity, both of which will be offered in Spring 2023

What most excites you about Cornell:

Getting to know the students and fueling their curiosity about the world and themselves; working alongside wonderful colleagues in the Department of History and in the Program in Jewish Studies; and partaking of everything that Ithaca has to offer, from the close-knit community to the beautiful scenery.

Mayer Juni

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Mayer Juni