Peace is possible for Israel and Gaza—if their leaders want it

This may be a once-in-a-century opportunity for peace, writes Uriel Abulof, a visiting professor of government in the College of Arts & Sciences and a professor of politics at Tel-Aviv University, in a Time magazine opinion piece.

“True, things have never looked this bad, and odds are they will be getting worse. But this savage war also exposes the conflict’s darkest secret: its vicious cycle of humiliation, resentment and revenge is driven by power-famished fanatics treating people, including their own, as dispensable 'things,’” Abulof writes in the piece. “What perpetuates the conflict is thinking about it as an Israeli-Palestinian. Instead, we should see it as a war against zealots on both sides, a war which Arabs and Jews, Israelis and Palestinians, can only win if they wage it together. We must transform the conflict to resolve it.”

Read the full story in Time.

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