Professor Jamila Michener wins Early Career Award

Jamila Michener, assistant professor of government, was recently awarded The 2018 Early Career Award by the Midwest Women’s Caucus for Political Sciences. The annual award recognizes a female faculty member’s achievements in research and her contributions to political science.

“Receiving an award like this is at once humbling, exciting and gratifying. I am beyond grateful to have a major association in the discipline recognize my efforts,” said Michener. “It's even more special that the award specifically recognizes women. Women's achievements are too often overlooked. Awards like this push against that tendency and I am thrilled to be a part of that process.”

Michener received her undergraduate degree from Princeton University and her PhD from the University of Chicago. Her research focuses on both poverty and racial inequality in American politics; she recently published "Fragmented Democracy: Medicaid, Federalism and Unequal Politics."  Michener has received funding for her research from the Russell Sage Foundation, Ford Foundation, the National Science Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

The Midwest Women’s Caucus for Political Sciences is a regional caucus affiliated with the Women’s Caucus for Political Science Association. It promotes equality for women in political science and promotes women political scientists and encourages research and helps members network with each other. Each year they honor political scientist women by awarding the Graduate Student Travel Award, Outstanding Professional Achievement Award, and Early Career Award.

Anna Carmichael is a Communications Assistant for the College of Arts and Sciences.

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 Jamila Michener, Assistant Professor of Government