Sociologist honored with early career award

Landon Schnabel, the Robert and Ann Rosenthal Assistant Professor of Sociology, received the Early Career Award from the American Sociological Association's Sociology of Religion Section.

The organization encourages and enhances research, teaching, and other professional concerns in the study of religion and society. This award recognizes a scholar who has made an outstanding contribution to the sociological study of religion early in their career.

"Landon has left a remarkable impression on the committee through his outstanding research accomplishments, exemplary teaching record, and the compelling strength of the collective recommendation letter supporting his nomination," the award committee stated.

Schnabel's work has been recognized by the section on four previous occasions, including last year's distinguished article award.

"Receiving the Early Career Award is an honor that leaves me both humbled and deeply grateful. This award is particularly meaningful because it is not solely a recognition of my individual achievements, but rather a testament to the power of collaboration, mentorship, and collective intellectual endeavor,” Schnabel said.

Schnabel studies inequality, how it changes over time, and why it persists through social change in the United States and around the world. His research focuses on gender inequality alongside other dimensions of social inequality including sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, and class.

“This recognition, made possible by a nomination from my collaborators, underscores the collective nature of what may appear as an 'individual' achievement. It reminds me of the responsibility that follows—to contribute high-quality, impactful research that deepens both academic and public understanding of religion. I am eager and motivated to uphold this responsibility in the years to come."

The award was formally presented to Schnabel at the American Sociological Association’s annual meeting.

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Landon Schnabel
Landon Schnabel