Brian Chabot

Professor Emeritus


I have been focusing on the ecology of sugar maple as a dominant forest tree species, the technologies used to produce sugar sustainably, and the future of the maple sugar industry. Most of the research has immediate application for those whose livelihoods depend on the utilization of this native forest species.


  • Skinner, C. B., A. T. DeGaetano, and B. F. Chabot. 2010. Implications of 21st Century Climate Change on Northeastern United States Maple Syrup Production: Impacts and Adaptations.  Climatic Change 100(3):685-702.
  • Chabot, B. F. 2010. Sugarmakers can adapt to climate change.  Maple News 9(6):5.
  • Chabot, B. F. and A. T. DeGaetano. 2010. Is the Earth's climate changing?  Maple News 9(5):4.
  • Eggleston, K. and B. F. Chabot. 2010. Understanding weather forecasts.  Maple News 9(3):7-14.
  • Chabot, B. F., T. Perkins, and P. Ramacieri. 2008. Can maple sugar producers succeed without research?  Maple Syrup Digest 20A(3):20-21.
  • Chabot, B. F. and S. L. Childs. 2007. Comparison of visual grading methods.  Maple Syrup Digest 19A(1):20-27.
  • Chabot, B. F. and S. Childs. 2006. Relating spectrophotometer readings to visual grading of maple syrup.  Maple Syrup Digest 18A(2):34-37.
  • Worobo, R. W. and B. F. Chabot. 2006. Controlling microbial populations in sap systems.  Maple Syrup Digest 18A(1):24-27.
  • Chabot, B. F. 2005. New tapping guidelines.  Maple Syrup Digest 17A(3):13-18.