Howard C. Howland

Professor Emeritus

Research Focus

Sensory physiology, especially vision; development of focusing and refractive state in humans; animal vision, models of myopia and emmetropization; optical quality of the eye.


  • Machovsky-Capuska,G.E., Howland, H.C., Raubenheimer,D., Vaughn-Hirshorn,R., Würsig,B.,  Hauber, M.E., Katzir, G. (2012) Visual accommodation and active pursuit of prey underwater in a plunge-diving bird: the Australasian gannet, Proc. R. Soc. B 22 October 2012 vol. 279 no. 1745 4118-4125.
  • Christina Wahl, C.,Tong Li, T., Takagi,Y.,Howland, H.C.(2011) The effects of light regimes and hormones on corneal growth in vivo and in organ culture. Journal of Anatomy Volume 219, Issue 6,  766–775, 2011.
  • Howland, H.C. (2011) Fine points on heat-conduction experiment. Physics Today, vol. 64, issue 1, p. 11.
  • Howland, H.C. (2010) Pattern recognition in Bees. Behav Neurosci. 2010; 4: 11.
  • Howland, H.C. (2009) A subjective method for the measurement of monochromatic aberrations of the eye  Journal of Vision December 31, 2009 vol. 9 no. 14 article 2.
  • Howland, H.C. (2009) Photorefraction of eyes: History and future Prospects. Optometry and Vision Science, 86 (6):603-606.
  • Howland, H.C.  (2009) Orbital orientation is not visual orientation: A comment on “X-Ray Vision and the evolution of forward-facing eyes” by M.A. Changizi and S. Shimojo,  Journal of Theoretical Biology (2008), 522-523.
  • Wahl, C., Li, T. Choden, T. & Howland, H.C. (2009) Morphometrics of corneal growth in chicks raised in constant light. Journal of Anatomy 214, 355-361.
  • Howland, H.C. Optical oblique astigmatism of the human eye. Journal of Vision December 31, 2009 vol. 9 no. 14 article 3.