Yuri Orlov

Professor Emeritus


Accelerator physics, experimental elementary particle spin physics, spin-gravity interaction, foundations of quantum mechanics. 

Research Focus

My research in the Soviet Union was mostly in accelerator beam and spin physics. At ITEP I worked on their 7 GeV proton synchrotron project and developed a theory of non-linear betatron oscillations, betatron resonances and synchro-betatron resonances. At the Yerevan Physics Institute I did most of the conceptual design of their 5 GeV electron synchrotron; made the first theoretical design of direct muon (g-2) measurement; and published papers on radiation damping decrements (with E.K. Tarasov of ITEP) and on spin resonances; and I also proposed a 100x100 GeV electron-positron collider, an idea not accepted at the time. During a year of parallel work at the Budker Institute I made the theoretical discovery of quantum depolarization with V.N. Baier.

After arriving in the West I helped develop at CERN the idea of ion “shaking,” with consequent doubling of the number of accumulated anti-protons, and in the United States worked on an alternative design for the proposed B-factory at Cornell; participated in measuring the magnetic dipole moment of the muon at BNL; did theoretical work on systematic errors for proposals to measure the electric dipole moment of the proton, electron and deuteron; and published on quantum and classical indeterminism.

In retirement, I began theoretical work in cosmology, while continuing to pursue my interests in systematic errors, spin coherence time, spin-gravity effects and other theoretical issues related to the next generation measurement of the muon (g-2) and the proposed measurement of the proton, electron and deuteron EDMs.


2020. with O. Kim et al., Reduction of coherent betatron oscillations in a muon g-2 storage ring experiment using RF fields. New J. Phys. 22, 063002 (2020).

2016. with V. Anastassopoulos et al. A Storage Ring Experiment to Detect a Proton Electric Dipole Moment. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87, 115116 (2016).

2012. Yuri Orlov, Eanna Flanagan and Yannis Semertzidis, Spin rotation by Earth's gravitational field in a "frozen-spin" ring. Phys. Lett. A376, No. 45, 2822-2829 (2012).

2006. Yuri F. Orlov, William M. Morse and Yannis K. Semertzidis, Resonance method of electric-dipole-moment measurements in storage rings. Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 214802 (2006).

2006. with G.W. Bennett et al. (Muon g-2 Collaboration), Final report of the muon E821 anomalous magnetic moment measurement at BNL. Phys. Rev. D73, 072003 (2006).

2002. Yuri F. Orlov, Quantumlike bits and logic gates based on classical oscillators. Phys. Rev. A66, 052324 (2002).

2002. Yuri Orlov, Cenap S. Ozben and Yannis K. Semertzidis, Muon revolution frequency distribution from a partial-time Fourier transform of the g-2 signal in the muon g-2 experiment. Nucl. Instr. Meth. A482, 767-775 (2002).

1999. Yuri F. Orlov, Origin of quantum indeterminism and irreversibility of measurements. Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 243-246 (1999).

1999. Yuri F. Orlov, Complementary histories and collapse into the past in standard quantum mechanics. Int. J. Mod. Phys. B13, No. 20, 2629-2636 (1999).

1990. J. Marriner, D. Möhl, Y. Orlov, A. Poncet, and S. van der Meer, Experiments and practice in beam shaking. Particle Accelerators 30, 13-20 (1990).

1965. V.N. Baier and Yu. F. Orlov, Quantum depolarization of electrons in a magnetic field. Soviet Physics—Doklady 10, 1145-1147 (1966).

          В. Н. Байер и Ю.Ф Орлов, Kвантовая деполяризация электронов в магнитном поле. ДАН 165, вып. 4, стр. 783-785, 1965.

1963. Kh. A. Simonyan and Yu. F. Orlov, Anomalous resonance spin flip of a particle in a magnetic field. JETP 18, 123-125 (1964).

          Х. А. Симонян и Ю.Ф Орлов, Аномальный резонансый переворот спина в магнитном поле. ЖЭТФ 45, вып. 2, cтр. 173-176, 1963.

1958. Yu. F. Orlov and E.K. Tarasov, Damping of oscillations in a cyclic electron accelerator. JETP 34(7), 449-453 (September, 1958).

          Ю.Ф Орлов и E. К. Тарасов, Затухание колебаний в электронном циклическом ускорителе. ЖЭТФ 34, вып. 1, стр. 651-657, март,1958.

1956. Yu. F. Orlov, The non-linear theory of betatron oscillations in the strong-focusing synchrotron, 1. Nuovo Cimento 3, 252-259 (1956).

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