Past Klarman Fellows

Toni Alimi


Toni Alimi is now an assistant professor in the Sage School of Philosophy at Cornell. His Klarman faculty host was Charles Brittain, the Susan Linn Sage Professor of Philosophy.

 Chiara Galli



Chiara Galli, now an assistant professor of comparative human development at the University of Chicago, worked with Filiz Garip, a former professor of sociology.

Christian Gaetz



Christian Gaetz is an assistant professor in Mathematics at UC Berkeley. At Cornell, he worked with faculty host Karola Mészáros, associate professor of mathematics.

Nancy Lin


Nancy Lin joined the Cornell faculty in 2024 as an assistant professor of history of art. As a Klarman Fellow she was hosted by Iftikhar Dadi, the John H. Burris Professor in the department of History of Art and Visual Studies. 

Alejandro Martinez-Marquina


Alejandro Martinez-Marquina, now an assistant professor at the University of Southern California Marshall School, worked with Ted O’Donoghue, the Zubrow Professor of Economics.

Anil Menon



Anil Menon, now an assistant professor in Political Science at UC Merced, worked with faculty host Thomas Pepinsky, the Walter F. LaFeber Professor of government.

Richard Nally


Richard Nally is now a Pappalardo Fellow at MIT. At Cornell, Nally developed connections between physics and mathematics, working with Liam McAllister, professor of physics.

Charles Petersen


Charles Petersen, now the Harold Hohbach Historian at Stanford University’s Silicon Valley Archives, worked with , Aaron Sachs, professor of history.

Michael Poll



Michael Poll, a conductor and guitarist who holds a doctorate in music from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London, was hosted by Elizabeth Ogonek, former assistant professor of music.

Francesco Sgarlata



Francesco Sgarlata, Ph.D. in theoretical particle physics from the International School of Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy, was hosted by Csaba Csaki, professor of physics. He is now a quantitative researcher and software developer at Gradient Zero.

Anna Shechtman



Anna Shechtman joined the Cornell faculty in 2024 as an assistant professor of literatures in English. As a Klarman fellow, Shechtman worked  with Jeremy Braddock, associate professor of English.

Amalia Skilton

Amalia Skilton, now a Chancellor's Fellow at the University of Edinburgh, was hosted by Sarah Murray, associate professor of linguistics.

 Vijay Varma



Vijay Varma, now an assistant professor of math at UMass Dartmouth, was hosted by Saul Teukolsky, now the Hans A. Bethe Professor of Physics emeritus.

James Walsh




James Walsh, an assistant professor of philosophy at NYU, was hosted by Arc Kocurek, assistant professor of philosophy.

 Baobao Zhang




Baobao Zhang, is an assistant professor of political science at Syracuse University. Her faculty host was Sarah Kreps, professor of government.